Urgent Situation at PCS
During this giving season we hope to be a charity that is included in peoples’ generosity. Due to the fact that we have not had a major fundraiser for several years, our bank account is empty and the insurance and utility bills are overdue.
Without our monthly donors we would not be in existence! To our recent year-end donors, I am TRULY grateful and to our anonymous donors who send gifts of food and litter through Chewy, thank you so very much. Those shipments seem to come at a most needed time!
As the year ends, we are in serious need of cash! Even generous donations do not seem to go far enough to break the cycle of late fees. Please consider a donation to PCS before the end of the year. There are more than enough homeless cats without my adding to that number. Closing the shelter is the last thing that I want to do!
Donations can be made via PayPal @purrfectcompanions or mailed to P.O. Box 770992, Cleveland, OH 44107.
Thank you for your support!
Ann Wilson, Director


Since 2006, Purr-fect Companions have been working for cats without a voice!
Why should you adopt from Purrfect Companions Sanctuary?
We have made changes to our goals over the past few years. We no longer are accepting kittens of any kind. We are concentrating our efforts on placing adult and senior cats at the forefront of our adoptions. We realize that many are seeking kittens and young cats but we can not continue having kittens grow up with us and not being placed with a family or person.
Please consider an adult cat to join you and give an animal a chance at a forever home. We would be glad to speak with you regarding your situation and see if one of our lovely felines might come home with you.
How you can Purr-ticipate

Take a look at the Cats available.
Call Us, and make an appointment
Fill out our application
"The #1 reason we don't adopt to some people have "no veterinarian" at the time of adoption.
Many other reasons to help Purr-fect Companions.
The Cats love Visitors!
You will be a HERO!
Become a hero!
When you adopt from a shelter or rescue, you’re saving a life. If you want to be a superhero, adopt an at-risk kitty. Due to a lack of resources, other shelters often euthanize animals they consider unadoptable first. Purr-fect Companions Sanctuary is a No-Kill Shelter! We care for them for their entire life if need be.